Via Kenny G at WFMU’s Beware of the Blog.

Vanity Fair article by by David Kamp on Sly Stone’s reappearance.

“There’s one that’s called ‘We’re Sick Like That,’” he continues. “It says, ‘Give a boy a flag and teach him to salute / Give the same boy a gun and teach him how to shoot / And then one night, the boy in the bushes, he starts to cry / ‘Cause nobody ever really taught him how to die.’”

The obvious allusion to the current war jars me, and I soon realize why: Stone has been absent from the scene for such a duration that it’s hard to imagine that he was with us all along, experiencing all the things we experienced over the years—the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, the rise of the World Wide Web, the attacks on 911, the invasion of Iraq. It’s almost as if he went into a decades-long deep freeze, like Austin Powers or the astronauts in Planet of the Apes. Except he didn’t.